måndag 19 november 2012

Azerbajdzjans president forsätter med hatretorik

Azerbajdzjans president, diktatorn Ilham Alijev, fortsätter med att piska upp stämningen och har nyligen levererat ett "hate speech". Knappast något som skulle komma från ett demokratiskt land med civiliserade ledare som söker fred och respekt samt bygger sin verklighet på demokratiska ideal. Det är nättidningen News.az som återger talet.

"I have repeatedly said and I want to repeat it in open that Armenian lobby is our enemy. Because Armenia, as a country, is of no importance. In fact, it is a colony, an outpost, the territory governed from abroad which was artificially created in ancient Azerbaijani lands. Armenian lobby is our main enemy and we are the main enemy for them. In fact, the source of our enmity with them is their enmity with us. Second is anti-Azerbaijani center, structures and circles infected with Islamophobia. Unfortunately, their number is growing all the time." 

Bild: Azerbajdzjans president, diktatorn Ilham Alijev hälsar till folket.